Videos 44659-Br-1-124_2, 44659-Br-1-174_1, 44659-Br-1-195 and 44659-Br-1-120_1 Footage of the Fighting Cocks pub, which is where many wedding celebrations took place. The pub opened in July 1974 and was later demolished and turned into a nursing home. Video 44659-Br-1-124_1 contains footage of Mr Plunkett talking about the pub's history. He gives a good description of the area before the pub was built - 'all prefabs, just a blank space..' In Video 44659-Br-1-174, we see Ivor Hooper, Barbara Hooper's husband. Video 44659-Br-1-195 shows 28 minutes of the opening night of the Fighting Cocks:

Camera paning- showing audience
(playback problems) woman singing
"Amazing Grace" sung by the woman, man playing bagpipes
Questioning audience - "What do you think of the new pub?"
Back to woman singing
"We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when..." song
a man singing

Bagpipes playing


Reference numbers are related to Bristol Record Office catalogue numbers.


Knowle West TV was developed by Peter Lewis and produced by Jekka McVicar. From 1973-75, programming was made, edited and broadcast by the people of Knowle West and broadcast to people's homes via the Rediffusion cable network. For more information: